7th RSC – BMCS / SCI Symposium on Ion Channels as Therapeutic Targets 2023
Dates and times
March 27th @ 09:00
March 28th @ 17:00
Event category
External Conference
7th RSC-BMCS / SCI Symposium on Ion Channels as Therapeutic Targets
Royal Society of Chemistry
Event details
Metrion Biosciences will be attending the conference: The 7th RSC – BMCS / SCI Symposium on Ion Channels as Therapeutic Targets 2023.
Metrion will have a booth at the event and three delegates will be attending the conference.
To arrange a meeting with one of the Metrion representatives at the event, please email: info@metrionbiosciences.com
Ion channels are important targets for therapeutic intervention due to their extensive roles in human physiology and the pathophysiology of disease. Many successful drugs targeting this gene family have been discovered for diseases such as hypertension, epilepsy and neuropathic pain.
This symposium, the 7th in an ongoing series, will showcase the most recent advances to aid the design of new ion channel therapeutics and promote interaction between scientists with a shared interest in the field of ion channel drug discovery.
Venue: Hinxton Hall Conference Centre
Location: Wellcome Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridgeshire,
Country: United Kingdom