Marc Rogers (Metrion Director and CSO) and Nick Tate (former Company Secretary and Finance Director) present at the 8th February 2018 SR Live event during Metrion’s 2018 Syndicate Room finance round


Presentation title
Marc Rogers (Metrion Director and CSO) and Nick Tate (Company Secretary and Finance Director) present at the 8th February 2018 SR Live event during Metrion’s 2018 Syndicate Room finance round.

Presentation by Marc Rogers (Metrion CSO) at the 8th February 2018 SR Live event during Metrion’s 2018 Syndicate Room finance round.

Metrion’s expertise lies in its deep knowledge of ion channel screening technologies, including manual and automated assays for determining the potency and selectivity of drug compounds against a wide range of human ion channels important in medicine. The company provides expert advice and interpretation in support of client research programmes, as well as state-of-the-art cardiac safety profiling, neuroscience activity models and human translational assays.

The significance of research into ion channels is that these proteins are important therapeutic targets in a number of fatal and debilitating diseases including cardiac arrhythmia, high blood pressure, pain, stroke, epilepsy, depression, bipolar disorder, lung disease, autoimmune disorders and diabetes. Furthermore, ion channels have proven clinical utility for the development of anaesthetics and analgesics and have important applications in testing potential toxicities of new drugs. By providing high quality ion channel data, an in-depth understanding of the target class, and targeted screening assays, Metrion facilitates more cost-effective, predictive and faster drug development for its clients.


Marc Rogers PhD Chief Scientific Officer
Dr Marc Rogers
Chief Scientific Officer
Metrion Biosciences

Dr Marc Rogers

Marc is a trained neuroscientist with 25 years’ experience in the patch-clamp technique from a number of prestigious international universities and 12 years of drug discovery on both sides of the Atlantic. He was an early adopter of automated patch-clamp platforms for ion channel screening and has an excellent knowledge of this market and connections with many of the commercial vendors. 

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What are your specific ion channel and assay needs?

If you have any questions or would like to discuss your specific assay requirements, we will put you directly in touch with a member of our scientific team. Contact us today to discover more.