New Targets, New Molecules, New Companies – A new pharma ecosystem

Dates and times

September 29th @ 15:00 BST
September 30th @ 18:30 BST

Event category

External networking event





Event details

Metrion Biosciences’ Business Development Executive, Anca Haralambie will be attending the event “New Targets, New Molecules, New Companies – A new pharma ecosystem” on Wednesday 29th and Thursday 30th September 2021.

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The life science and pharma industry is in a transformative phase where targets formerly considered un-druggable are now the focus of well-funded biotech companies. Adding another layer of diversity, this expanded target space, ranging from proteins to RNA, is not only addressed by “classical” small molecule and biologics therapeutics, but also by nucleic acid-based drugs, protein degraders and glues. Consequently, academia, the pharma industry and capital ventures have heavily invested in cutting-edge ideas and novel ways of addressing those, as well as in setting up healthcare biotechs, often in joint efforts.

This virtual conference aims at connecting topics and scientists across the pharma, biotech, venture capital, and CRO industries to discuss the recent promises and challenges of the new pharma ecosystem.

Hosted by Dr. Franz von Nussbaum, Dr. Joerg Fanghaenel and Dr. Uyen Nguyen from NUVISAN-ICB, this virtual conference will cover:

• The development and success of therapeutics beyond “classical” small molecules
• Novel technologies to address the formerly undruggable and underexplored target space
• Insight views into the creation of biotech, venture capital, and CRO businesses to meet these new challenges

For more, visit

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