Stem Cells & Applications for Drug Discovery

Dates and times

Start: October 6th @ 19:00
October 6th @ 21:00

Event category

External Conference


Stem Cells & Applications for Drug Discovery, Fri, Oct 6, 2023, 7:00 PM | Meetup



Stem Cells event 6th october 2023 1

Event details

Metrion Biosciences will be attending the conference: Stem Cells & Applications for Drug Discovery.

Metrion scientists will be attending the event. If you would like to arrange a meeting with the Metrion Team please contact

Stem Cells event 6th october 2023
Stem Cells & Applications for Drug Discovery


Throughout this evening event, we will cover a variety of fascinating topics related to stem cells and their applications in drug discovery.

Discussion topics include:

  1. Stem Cell Therapy: Discussing how stem cells are used in regenerative medicine and potential treatments.
  2. Drug Discovery Process: Understanding how stem cells play a crucial role in identifying and testing new drugs.
  3. Disease Modeling: Exploring how stem cells can be used to create disease models for research purposes.
  4. Ethical Considerations: Examining the ethical implications and challenges surrounding stem cell research.

Venue: The Lab
Location: 90 Regent Street, CB21DP
Country: Cambridge