Using high quality HTS automated patch clamp data from human cardiac ion channels and in silico action potential modelling to cost-effectively predict QP prolongation and arrhythmia risk for CiPA
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Using high quality HTS automated patch clamp data from human cardiac ion channels and in silico action potential modelling to cost-effectively predict QP prolongation and arrhythmia risk for CiPA.
Presentation by Marc Rogers (Metrion CSO) at the September 2015 Safety Pharmacology Society, Prague.
The CiPA initiative – how it will change the way we do drug development in the future. Using high quality HTS automated patch-clamp data from human cardiac ion channels and in silico action potential modelling to cost–effectively predict QT prolongation and arrhythmia risk for CiPA
Dr Marc Rogers
Marc is a trained neuroscientist with 25 years’ experience in the patch-clamp technique from a number of prestigious international universities and 12 years of drug discovery on both sides of the Atlantic. He was an early adopter of automated patch-clamp platforms for ion channel screening and has an excellent knowledge of this market and connections with many of the commercial vendors.
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